Watercolor Artists

“Sharing Image”


Opens Sept. 6

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“Sharing Image”

Watercolor Artists Exhibit

Sept. 6 - 15, weekends.

An art exhibit featuring the work of seven local artists will open at the Piedmont Center for the Arts on September 6.

Sharing Image, a display of watercolors, will feature the work of Laurie Rothman, Bob Davidson, Howard Mackey, Jan Matsuoka, Joan Gombos, Sue Matthews, and Pablo Villicana-Lara. 

An artists’ reception will be held on Saturday, September 7, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Gallery hours are Friday to Sunday, September 6-8 from 12 noon to 3 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, September 14-15 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

About the Artwork, Artist’s note:

We are an East Bay Artist’s group with multi-cultural backgrounds that influence our painting subjects and styles. From Pablo Villicana-Lara’s stunning Native American dancers, Howard Mackey’s blues musicians, Sue Matthews’ intricate flower designs, Laurie Rothman’s nature paintings, Jan Matsuoka’s touching figures, Bob Davidson’s “fractured landscapes” and Joan Gombos’ sailing on the bay works, we present a diverse array of artistic interests.

Most of us specialize in watercolor painting with a few works presented in other media. We have been together for years, advising each other on improving our work. Many of us are award winning artists and Pablo Villacana-Lara is a popular painting and drawing teacher at Merritt College in Oakland. This is our first show as a group.